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Tournament Format & Info

  • This year’s dates will be December 27th, 28th and 29th for the Varsity and Junior Varsity levels.

  • JV levels will be bracketed into Gold (higher level) Navy (lower level) brackets, the Navy bracket will be reserved for secondary JV squads or Frosh/Soph teams looking for higher level of competition. 

  • All JV games are played on the Marina High School campus in Huntington Beach. 

  • All Varsity games will be played across various artificial grass fields in Huntington Beach Union High School District. 

  • There will be a $50 discount per team that submits payment by October 1st.

Tournament Contacts

General Questions -

Lucas Kim (Tournament Director) -

Gabe Lucatero (Varsity Head Coach) -

Refund Policy

No refunds will be given once your payment and/or team has been bracketed, whichever occurs first, unless we can fill your spot with another paid team. Any refund given will be less an administrative fee of $75.00. Every effort will be made to fill the spot of any cancellation. A pro-rated refund will only be given if less than 3 games are players due to weather, field conditions, or acts of God.

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