Tournament Format & Info
This year’s dates will be December 27th, 28th and 29th for the Varsity and Junior Varsity levels.
JV levels will be bracketed into Gold (higher level) Navy (lower level) brackets, the Navy bracket will be reserved for secondary JV squads or Frosh/Soph teams looking for higher level of competition.
All JV games are played on the Marina High School campus in Huntington Beach.
All Varsity games will be played across various artificial grass fields in Huntington Beach Union High School District.
There will be a $50 discount per team that submits payment by October 1st.
Tournament Contacts
General Questions -
Lucas Kim (Tournament Director) -
Gabe Lucatero (Varsity Head Coach) -
Refund Policy
No refunds will be given once your payment and/or team has been bracketed, whichever occurs first, unless we can fill your spot with another paid team. Any refund given will be less an administrative fee of $75.00. Every effort will be made to fill the spot of any cancellation. A pro-rated refund will only be given if less than 3 games are players due to weather, field conditions, or acts of God.